Can Of Worms
Scene 1
Aike, a young and aspiring storyteller, stands in the middle of an empty film set, clutching his phone to his ear. He gazes around, confusion etched on his face.
AIKE (On the phone) I just arrived on set and there is no one here?
He listens to the response on the other end, his brow furrowing.
AIKE (Cont'd) Alright, I guess I am a bit early. I will just buy some time by getting a cold one.
Aike ends the call, slipping his phone into his pocket. He takes a deep breath, his eyes scanning the vast emptiness of the film set. Thoughts swirl in his mind, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.
AIKE (V.O.) I sit down a lot with my thoughts, not to say they always hiss beautiful melodies, sometimes it can be a mess down here.
Aike walks toward a nearby table and chairs, pulling out a chair and taking a seat. He leans back, staring up at the ceiling, lost in contemplation.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Life, its successes as well as failures. Just breathing or simply living.
A slight smile tugs at Aike's lips as he takes a moment to appreciate the beauty of hope that fuels his journey.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Hope is what keeps me going, for I am optimistic about the destiny I am embarking on.
A flicker of fear passes through Aike's eyes, the fear of the unknown, but he quickly acknowledges the beauty that lies within it.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Truth is, I am scared. The fear of the unknown. But I suppose that is just the beauty of life. We don't always have to have it all figured out to be happy.
Aike leans forward, his hands clasped together, as he reflects on the importance of happiness and contentment in navigating life's unpredictable journey.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Happiness and contentment are what will guide us to tomorrow, whereby we remain intact. In this life thing, you're bound to come across huge setbacks before your victory. I guess the storyline has to be always told.
Aike's gaze shifts to a nearby prop, a replica of a golden trophy. He reaches out and picks it up, a symbol of the resilience required to turn hardships into success.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Even Gold goes through processing before it gets to be precious. Good things come out of hard situations, whereby you're automatically forced to soldier on, even when the storms grace your journey.
Aike places the trophy back on the table, his eyes gleaming with determination.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Happiness is not earned but created. Great memories may not be planned. The weather cannot be predictable at all times. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith, allowing ourselves to be present in each and every moment, staying true to our inner persona.
Aike rises from the chair, a newfound resolve emanating from within.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) This is a can of worms I've been procrastinating to open. Why? you may ask, but I've stashed a lot of horrible memories that I've been trying to bury the entire time. Honestly, we all have a story to tell, and this is entirely my experiences.
Aike takes a deep breath, his hand instinctively touching his heart.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) I promise to try to dig as far as I can, but don't be upset with me if I fail to give you more details. I am trying to dodge falling back into that dark space.
Aike casts a glance around the set, his eyes filled with determination and a glimmer of vulnerability.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) So help me God.
Aike's gaze turns back to the table, his fingers tracing the surface gently.
AIKE (V.O.) (CONT'D) I've always been drawn to storytelling in all of its forms. I enjoy writing, hence we're here. I also enjoyed modeling. Somehow, it felt like speaking but without speaking. I enjoy vlogging, poetry, acting, scriptwriting. I suppose for me, going through those darkest moments was just a way of honing my skills.
Aike's attention is caught by the sound of footsteps approaching. He straightens up, ready to face whatever comes his way.
NB: Names will be modified for security purposes.
Aike adjusts his stance, prepared to embrace the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.
AIKE (under his breath) Here we go.
The footsteps draw closer, signaling the beginning of Aike's journey on this film set and the story he is about to tell.
Scene 2
"You know my dear Aike, I thought I made myself very clear. You don't have many days left. Time is ticking and I am waiting for results and you best give me what I want or else?" Dave appeared in the dark. Aike became restless. "Here, a bottled water, surely it will come you down and then just maybe we will have a decent conversation. Aike took the bottle of water and took a gasp "Drink, You know Aike... I thought you were smart. When I met you I told myself now is the time, Your accent fooled me. I guess at the end of the day there are literate idiots..." Dave pulled Aike's hand and gave him a dead stare "Tick- Tock" He let go and disappeared.
Aike leaned on the wall to catch his breath.
"How do you know Dave?" Lucy was carrying her journal. "Hi Lucy... I didn't see you there. Are you good?" He came closer to her and she replied "I should be asking you, You sweating and panting. Is Dave threatening you?" Aike took a long sigh "It best you don't know about it" They both glanced into space and after a long time Lucy proclaimed "You know you can't always run away from things, there is gonna be some time where you have to deal with it. I don't know what that guy has on you but the longer you allow him to have power over you, the harder it will be to get out of his web" Aike nodded intensely "True. Good chat Lucy" Aike bid a farewell.
It is in the park and filled with happy people, The sun is out and birds are twisting. Dave is with his Crew, from a distance they seem like People reading newspapers but as you get closer to them then you get to realize that these people are having one conversation "We all know what is expected of us, we all have a role to play and in other to pull this out... it gonna take a lot of courage and luck" Aike appeared in that midst and said "I wish you good luck gents but I am not gonna be part of this. Even if I wanted to I never even stole suger as a kid how do you expect me to pull this off. This is a suicide mission" Aike was really terrified, you could even see it in his face. "I always knew you were soft but I never thought you would be this mellow. This is not one of the movies you shoot whereby you can just give us that bullshit. Listen here Aike, You are doing this... I don't care if you never stole sugar, For heavens sake I didn't ask you to steal sugar I just want you to get the key and then the real job will be handled by Us and besides you are an actor meaning this should be easy for you. lying is what you do, right?" Dave looked at Aike in the eyes and he nodded. A buld guy stood up and folded his newspaper "Listen guys, us being seen together might draw a lot of attention. This meeting is over. The guys scattered and Aike was only left with Dave "Do you need me to run you over the game plan?" Aike shook his head "I know the plan I just..." Dave left. Aike was left standing by himself. He took his precious time to gather himself, he sat on the bench and tears started flooding in "I don't know what to do, If I let down Dave's crew... I am good as dead"
A voice behind Aike whispered "Maybe you may be as good as dead or be good while you still alive" Aike turned back to this Old man and the Old man continued speaking "We always have choices to make and chose to make the good ones, don't let fear clouds you." The man went away and so did Aiken.
Scene 3
[The studio is set for Aike's underwear photoshoot. Aike stands before a white background, and the cameraman adjusts his lenses.]
Cameraman: You good up there, champ?
[Aike nods.]
Cameraman: Okay, give me what you got. Make love to this machine.
[The camera starts flashing, and Aike poses confidently.]
Cameraman: Let's take 5!
[The cameraman approaches Aike.]
Cameraman: The pictures are good, but they don't have that X factor. This is a paid sponsorship, Aike, and we have to give these guys what they want. We have to wow them, and in wowing them, we're wowing their clients based...
[The cameraman notices Lucy.]
Cameraman: Lady, what's your name? Lucy? Fix him, powder him, oil him... whatever to make him more seductive.
[The cameraman hands Aike a box of thongs and jockstraps.]
Cameraman: You'll change into these. And please make it fast; we don't have all day.
[Aike is surprised by what he sees in the box.]
Aike: Wait... these are thongs and jockstraps?! Am I supposed to wear these?
Cameraman: You're the model. What do you normally do with the costume you're assigned to showcase? Keep moving, people. We don't have all day!
[As uncomfortable as Aike is with wearing the underwear, he's surrounded by a crew that is ready to get the job done.]
Lucy: Are you okay?
Aike: These are so tight... how is it possible that people go through a day in these things?
[Aike adjusts the underwear.]
Aike: Lights, camera, and action... It's my life, and most people would die to be where I am. But I would kill just to live a normal life. No deadlines, no jockstraps, no Dave... Is that too much to ask?
[Lucy closes her makeup kit.]
Lucy: You ready?
[Aike takes a deep breath.]
Aike: They want naked? That's what we're going to give them!
[The crew prepares for the shoot.]
Crew Member: Alright, guys, let's roll!
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